$997.00 USD

By purchasing this program you acknowledge that Lyndsy Moffatt is a certified GAPS coach and is not a licensed doctor or medical professional, nor does she represent herself as such. All materials found within The SpectrumABLE Protocol are for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.


SpectrumABLE is a private learning center for Moms and Dads who want to help their children thrive on the autism spectrum. 

SpectrumABLE will help you to...

  1. Take positive, powerful control of your child's health & well-being. Many of these treatments are hard to find if you rely on just Google. 
  2. Erase or significantly diminish the visible & invisible signs of autism, such as self-injury, screaming, behavior meltdowns, insomnia, echolalia, nonverbal struggles, eye contact & more.
  3. Treat your child's unique issues without taking toxic drugs and forcing them into abusive therapy.

When my clients restore health and balance to their bodies, using my exclusive holistic whole-body approach, the symptoms of their severe (to mild) autism often improve or disappear completely!

Included in your purchase today...

* SpectrumABLE Course - $997 Value
Zoom Coaching Calls & Support Group - $1,200 Value
* The Gut Healing Guide - $497 Value
* The Real Food Challenge - $197 Value
* The Law Of Attraction for Autism - $197 Value
* The GMO & Pesticide Solution - $47 Value
* The Natural Supplement Guide - $47 Value
* The 7 Day Juice Cleanse - $27 Value

That's a total retail value of $3,209 but you save $2,212 when you order today for just one payment of $997.

All purchases are backed up with our 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee!


What People Are Saying:

"We are so excited we had our first positive toilet training experience in 9 years. Gavin went to the bathroom for the first time ever, then calmly turned and flushed as if he had been doing it for years. It's a game changer. Just taking those extra few steps eliminating a few more things and adding more positive things has made a real difference. Thank you."


"My son was experiencing some extreme behavior issues most likely because of his high functioning ASD. Since incorporating a lot of the techniques and diet his behavior has improved. We are not where we would like to be yet but I have seen a big difference. He also told me he loved me for the first time ever in his life. I can't tell you how happy this made me, this happened after 3 weeks. It was like he was thanking me. I really loved the course and I'm so happy I jumped in. One last thing... my daughter does not have ASD but she has been eating much better too and her pre teen blemishes have almost disappeared! I will say my skin is so much healthier!! I think it's the squash soup that has become a staple in my diet. Thank you so much Lyndsy!!!!"


"The course has helped me stay on track with Stage 1 GAPS for my son. Lyndsy has supported me when I was struggling and made it possible for us to get through that first tough week. I refer to the information on the app every day and it saves me having to Google everything or feel worried that I am failing or doing things wrong. My son is now making eye contact, eating independently with a spoon and trying new foods. He is interested in the world around him and seems to have developed a sense of self, now realizing when he is cold, or needs personal care needs met. We are seeing improvements every day."


"Hey Lyndsy, Noah has made loads of progress in the last few months since working with you. Noah is making progress every day. Spontaneously yesterday, he started playing tag with a group of children at the park. His eye contact is much better. His stimming has reduced by about 60%. He no longer vagues out and spins objects for hours on end. And he has started to approach people to say 'hi' and 'bye'. He showers his dad and I in hugs and kisses all day long and we actually went to a real restaurant last week and had lunch together! You have been a game changer for us. I am so very grateful and feel we are now on track to recovering our son."


"I have been working with Lyndsy now for the past couple weeks. Lyndsy amazes me with her intelligence and hard work and I have learnt so much from her. I feel positive energy has so much to do with healing and Lyndsy's whole personality is positive and beautiful. I have a 6 year old on the spectrum and in these few weeks what changes I've seen are nothing less than a miracle. Thank you Lord for introducing me to Lyndsy.”

Dr. JC